Monthly Full Moon Energy Release & Restore

Each month around the full moon, I do an online live energy healing meditation.

The full moon is a powerful time to release what is no longer serving you, allowing you to release and restore. They can support you in feeling a sense of inner peace and strength while opening up to new insights and opportunities.

I use reiki and other energy techniques to support the group as a whole. If you attend live, we will meet via Zoom where I will then lead us through what may feel similar to a guided meditation, but infused with the energy work to help you relax and let go. You are encouraged to lie down for this session and allow yourself to fully relax and receive so that you can leave this session feeling much lighter and completely restored.

These sessions are recorded in case you are unable to attend live and/or you would like to watch the replay. All past recordings are available for you to watch at any time you choose for as long as you are subscribed. You will receive exactly what you need at the moment you listen. So even if you missed the live version or if you are watching a recording from many months or even years ago, you will still receive the energy transmission as you listen. You may even go deeper when you listen multiple times or receive something different each time you listen depending on what you need in that moment.

On average, these are about an hour long. We chat in the beginning about the themes that may be felt during this energetic period and how to best support yourself. We then move into the energy work where you are encouraged to lie down and fully relax to receive. It's okay if you fall asleep or find yourself drifting in and out of consciousness. This is normal and you will still receive everything you need.

Book a private session.

Just like our electronic devices need to be recharged and occasionally reset to function again, this session is an energetic recharge and reset button for your mind, body, and spirit. These sessions help to clear the heaviness and clutter that builds in our minds and bodies, allowing you to feel much lighter and have a sense of peace after your session. Reiki activates the parasympathetic (relaxation and digestion) portion of your nervous system, allowing you to feel at peace and deeply relaxed so that your body can activate its own natural healing and repair processes. These sessions may assist in releasing pain and anxiety so that you may walk away with a greater sense of peace and confidence within yourself for whatever lies before you. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, experiencing pain and/or on a healing journey this session may support you in feeling relief. Insights, key takeaways, and intuitive messages will be discussed at the end of the session.

I am currently only offering distance sessions via Zoom since my studio in Asheville no longer exists and I had to relocate.


Are you interested in learning how to practice reiki on yourself?

I have an introduction course online for Reiki Level 1 that is self-paced. In level 1, I recommend focusing on learning how to sense, regulate, and clear your own energy before practicing on others. This tool is powerful in making profound changes in your life as you learn how to find peace and answers within yourself as you practice this on yourself consistently.